Past Exhibitions and Events | 2012

2nd Annual Art in Bloom July 25 - 27, 2012
Following it’s first successful year, Art In Bloom returned to the Canter and, along with Newport exhibited, brought 250 visitors to the benefit opening reception. Monies from admission tickets are divided equally between the MAC Center and the Four Seasons Garden Club of Orleans County.

Newport: An Imaged Perspective July 5 - Labor Day, 2012

Readings Program

One Room Schoolhouses of Vermont May, 2012
Many Vermonters remember the one-room schoolhouse.That memory is coming alive this month at the MAC Center, where photojournalist Dianna Mara Henry is displaying her photography of the buildings and people of one-room schoolhouses. The 21-piece exhibit includes interviews with the people of the one-room schoolhouses. The exhibit first displayed at a Brattleboro art museum in 1984. Old fashion desks, books and even an apple for the teacher complete the MAC exhibit. Those who attend the exhibit have an opportunity to write in a memory book. During Friday’s opening, a former one-room schoolteacher from Brattleboro spent a half-hour writing her memories.

One Room Schoolhouses of Vermont May, 2012
Students enrolled in our art classes in all of our district schools: Brighton, Morgan, Charleston, Derby,Newport Town, Newport City, Jay-Westfield, Troy, NCUHS Jr. and Senior High, North Country Career Center, Coventry, UCA and the districts Homeschoolers, were asked to create a postcard-sized work of art focused around the central theme of “positive artistic messages” of thanks and appreciation to our Service Personnel overseas. Approximately 3,000 cards were exhibited.

SWAN Day 2012
An annual MAC event, SWAN Day (Support Women Artists Now) is an international holiday that celebrates women artists. It is an annual event taking pace during Women’s History Month and the surrounding weeks. By focusing attention on the work of women artists, SWAN Day helps people imagine what the world might be like if women’s art and perspectives were fully integrated into all of our lives. The long term goal of SWAN Day is to inspire communities around the world to find new ways to recognize and support women artists as a basic element of civic planning. The MAC is proud to be a participant in this annual worldwide event. Come and celebrate our women artists.Photos are from first 3 year