Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member at MAC Center for the Arts!
Benefits of MAC membership include:
- The right to display and sell your work in an established Arts Center
- Presence on MAC’s website, including your profile with photos and links
- Publicity opportunities, such as appropriate mentions in MAC press releases and in MAC Newsletter, etc.
- Participation in a community of people involved in the Arts, who support and promote each other for the good of all
- The opportunity to share your experience and talent and benefit by leading a benefit class, workshop, or performance at MAC.
- Voting rights at the MAC’s General Membership and Annual Meetings.
- The right to hold Board office and to serve on committees
The Membership Categories in MAC are:
- Artist (staffing and non-staffing options)
- Handcrafter (staffing and non-staffing options)
- Performing Arts
- Author/Illustrator
- Supporting Memberships (Individuals/Businesses)
All potential exhibiting members must go through a jury process. Jury is held the first full week of alternating months (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov). Please note that Performing artists and Authors/illustrators may be juried at any time.
Below are buttons with links to the Application form and Guidelines for each membership category. They contain what you need to know about the application process and membership at MAC, so please read through them caredfully. Thank you!
Download and print an Application Form and the Guidelines for the category you are applying for:
MAC Center for the Arts is a nonprofit Arts collaborative comprised of artists, craftspeople, musicians, published authors and illustrators, and supporting members. MAC’s member-run Gallery and storefront, at 158 Main St, Newport, VT, features the juried work of members. Our members demonstrate a high quality, professional caliber of work and strive to create and maintain a vibrant, innovative, and involved arts community both within MAC and in the greater community.
MAC is a collaborative, and is unique in that it is completely run by volunteers. Artist and Handcrafting members have the option of staffing and non-staffing memberships. All MAC members work cooperatively together for the good of all, and volunteer in whatever capacity they are able – whether it be helping out at events, leading a workshop, participating in committees, and more. Volunteers truly keep the MAC alive and thriving!