Darlene Ratte | Painting / Pyrography/Fiber Craft
Who says fire and water don’t mix? In my new found passion for pyrography (burning) and watercolor they combine wonderfully to make some pretty neat art. I am a “fly by the seat of the pants” artist always experimenting and asking “what if I did this or used that” on a different wood or paper; never knowing if the new paper will burn to a crisp!
On my burns, I usually use watercolors but sometimes acrylics or artist grade colored pencils fit the bill.
I find great enjoyment in the subjects I paint. Be it a landscape, a magnificent old tree, baby bear, alert owl, curious raccoon, or a busy beaver. Sometimes it is something quirky that commands my attention like a Siamese fighting fish, a flamingo in a funny pose, or our chub of a cat which we refer to as the football with legs. He rivals Garfield in his love of lasagna
I hope my art in some small way will add a little brightness to your day and help you admire the spirit of Nature and all of the beings in the animal world.
Let our passions burn!