Isa Oehry | Author
Isabella (Isa) S. Oehry was born and raised in the Principality of Liechtenstein, a small country sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland. After finishing a business education in Europe and travelling extensively, Isa eventually settled in Vermont. She continued her education, earning a degree in management information systems, but her strong interest in the mystery of the human mind and our untapped potential prompted Isa to pursue an advanced degree in psychology, with a specialization in clinical mental health.
After contracting Lyme disease and undergoing unsuccessful treatment with antibiotics, Isa began extensive research seeking alternative healing modalities. Eventually she found what she was looking for and was able to fully recover. Realizing, however, how many people are afflicted by this debilitating disease while unaware of alternative options, Isa felt a strong desire to write a guide to healing Lyme disease beyond the use of antibiotics.
Isa is also the author of Under A Blue Moon, a nonfiction chronicle spiked with humor and insights.
For more information you can visit Isa’s website at