John Rowe | Artist
John is best known for his landscapes and scenes depicting natural and man made elements. He is a multi disciplinary artist working in many different painting mediums along with block printing, wood sculpture and even furniture making. At the age of 20 John moved to Vermont USA from Southampton England. His background includes work in illustration and design. While honing his fine art skills, John worked as a freelance illustrator, designer, picture framer, gallery owner, and a board member of the Flying Goose Gallery. John opened his gallery and picture framing studio in Newport VT in 2007, he sadly closed his studio and gallery in 2018. Currently working in his new studio John has been working on art and mindfulness projects such as the “You Are Here” project. Influences include skateboarding, snowboarding, Shepard Fairey’s “Obey Giant” art campaign, Banksy, Blek Le Rat, Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, hip hop, punk music, and alternative rock.
You can find John’s work on Facebook,
and Instagram: @johnrowedesigns @youarehere.project
You can find John’s work on Facebook,
and Instagram: @johnrowedesigns @youarehere.project